Small Business: Heart of the Big Picture.

by Benita Fuzzell

This Saturday, Nov. 25 is Small Business Saturday.

From enhancing the local economy, employment opportunities, promoting community cohesion, and sustainability, small local businesses provide a range of positive impacts that contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of smaller communities.

Small, but fierce, could describe any one of the small businesses located within the Twin Cities of Fulton and South Fulton. Some have taken a chance in locating here recently, while others have endured the trials and tribulations of economic downturns, pandemics, and catastrophic weather related circumstances.

Growth is nurtured in any community by long range planning, crunching numbers, studying trends and forecasts, utilizing the brightest of minds and the strongest of resources.

But at the heart of that “big picture”, is the foundational fortitude of small businesses, with owners, managers and employees who show up, day in and day out and contribute their time, their money and their all for the community they love, just like the small businesses featured in this week’s edition of The Current,

Small Business Saturday started as a campaign launched by American Express on Nov. 27, 2010, to help small businesses gain exposure and to inspire consumers to shop within their own communities during the holiday season.

The Twin Cities Chamber of Commerce will offer small business shoppers the opportunity to win a great prize by shopping locally, shopping small, this Saturday. With any purchase made at a Small Business Nov. 25, the buyer is entered to win $250 in Chamber Bucks. The drawing will be held Tues., Nov. 28.

Statistically, small businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent with them. Over $9.3 billion would be directly returned to our country’s economy if every U.S. family spent just $10 a month at a local business.

There’s never been a better time to get started than this weekend, and return the love.