The Fulton Independent Board of Education will meet for special called session on Tues., Jan. 23 at 5:45 p.m. in the library of Fulton High School. The meeting is open to the public.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: call to order; opening prayer; Pledge of Allegiance; Our Mission; Approval of Agenda; reorganization of the Board for the 2024 calendar year, election of officers, meeting time, dates, location; roll call; minutes; public comments, citizens and delegations, members of the public may address the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action will be taken during this portion of the meeting unless deemed an emergency by the Board. KRS 160.270(2) requires a public comment of at least 15 minutes. Board rules regarding conduct still apply during the public comment period. Each speaker is requested to limit their presentation to three minutes or less. This time limit may be extended by the Board Chair. Please note: Speakers will not be allowed to make disparaging or critical remarks about individuals or employees of the District. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District complaint procedures; communications/consent items, ASAP/Board member appreciation month; FRYSC Activities Report, food service report, enrollment, fundraising requests, recognition of Employee of the Month, Recognition of Teacher of the Month, surplus; Personnel, personnel report, FMLA request; Action items, budget approval, draft, financial reports and Orders of the Treasurer, student insurance aproval, wellness plan; adjourn.
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