The Fulton City Commission will meet for regular session on Mon., March 25 at 6 p.m. in the commission room of Fulton City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, roll call, remarks and requests from visitors, City Attorney's report, consider Municipal Order 2023-63, approval of minutes of regular meeting Feb. 12, consider Municipal Order 2023-72, approval of minutes from regular meeting Feb. 26, consider Municipal Order 2023-81, approval of minutes of regular meeting March 11; old business, consider Municipal Order 2023-79, authorizing Mayor Prater to sign the Memorandum of Understanding, Establishing a Drug Task Force with Fulton County Sheriff's Office and the City of Hickman Police Department; new business, Consider Municipal Order 2023-82, authorization for City Manager Gunn to purchase two HOA 3 HP 1160 rpm Jacketed Pumps from KLM Sales & Service in the amount of $41,342, to replace the motors at the Housing Units Sewer Lift Station; consider Municipal Order 2023-83, authorization for Mayor Prater to sign two Utility Easements for two tracts of property, the old Dura Plant; Consider Municipal Order 2023-84, authorization for Mayor Prater to sign an Agreement with Fulton Tourism for Bookkeeping Services; Consider Municipal Order 2023-85 to sign an Agreement with Pike Legal to Update the City's 1974 Zoning Ordinances; Consider Municipal Order 2023-86, authorization for City Manager Gunn to hire Zach Curlin as a General Worker for the Public Works Department; Consider Municipal Order 2023-87, authorizing City Manager Gunn to hire two seasonal workers in the Public Works Department; Consider Municipal Order 2023-88, to reappoint Peggy Lohaus to the Fulton Electric Plant Board; discussion and reviewing of Sanitation bids to decide on awarding a Contract for the City Collection and Disposal; other business, from the City Manager, Commissioners, City Attorney and Mayor.
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