Hickman Commissioners to meet Nov. 8

by Barbara Atwill

The Hickman City Commission will meet in regular session on Nov. 8, at Hickman City Hall, at 5 p.m.

The Hickman City Commission will conduct all open meetings by video teleconference. Members of the public are encouraged to view the meeting via Zoom with the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3856857332. The Meeting ID is 385 685 7332.

Items on the agenda include: Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance; Call to Order; Roll Call; Approval of Minutes 10/25/2021 Regular Meeting, 11/1/2021 Special Called Meeting, 11/3/2021 Special Called Meeting; Presentations/Public Comments, Alliance Water Update, Public Works Director Update, Police Department Update; Unfinished Business, Discussion on Youngblood Invoice; Discussion on Zito Media Contract; Discussion on Police/Animal Control calls outside of the City; Resolution 21-165, Interim Financing with Rural Water Financing, Discussion and Motion; City Manager’s Report; Commissioner Comments; and Adjournment.