To the Editor:

The United States Postal Service is committed to delivering your mail and packages throughout the current pandemic. We are proud of our role in providing an essential service to every community. The one constant throughout this crisis has been our commitment to fulfilling the vital mission of the Postal Service.
We would like to share the following information and requests:
• USPS wants to help keep you – and our employees – safe. We ask for you to maintain a safe distance at all times. The Centers for Disease Control recommends keeping a distance of six feet or more between other individuals. Please allow a safe distance between you and your letter carrier or post office clerk while they are performing their duties.
• We know it is a challenge to find ways to connect with family and friends at this time. Please remember anything without postage and not related to USPS business should not be placed in mailboxes.
• It is important to note the CDC, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. Surgeon General have all said there is very low risk that this virus is being spread through mail.
Our mission to bind the nation together is achieved through the tireless efforts and sacrifices of our dedicated employees. The outpouring of support you have shown has had a great impact on everyone at the Postal Service. Knowing how much you care means everything to us. On behalf of all employees at the Fulton Post Office – Thank you.
Mark Cooley
Fulton Postmaster
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